

Featuring Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Romeo & Juliet and More!

SOLD OUT! Unfortunately, if you don’t have a reservation yet, it will not be possible to take part due to limited space. But there will be more events like this very soon, so please stay tuned for details!

Teatro del Giglio e Tuscan English Academy – nell’ambito del progetto “Lucca loves Shakespeare”  – propongono al pubblico un nuovo e speciale modo di festeggiare la festa di San Valentino: domenica 14 febbraio alle 18.30 nel foyer del Teatro del Giglio si terrà uno spettacolo in lingua inglese realizzato da The English Theatre Company, con brani tratti dai più celebri testi shakespeariani, il tutto corredato da un delizioso aperitivo.

Teatro del Giglio
spettacolo e aperitivo euro 15, ridotto studenti euro 13
spettacolo, aperitivo e cena (quest’ultima a Villa Elisabeth) euro 50

L’aperitivo sarà a cura di Stefano Buralli (Pasticceria Stella).
È necessaria la prenotazione, entro mercoledì 10 febbraio, al numero 3485289178.




Featuring Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Romeo & Juliet and More!

SOLD OUT! Unfortunately, if you don’t have a reservation yet, it will not be possible to take part due to limited space. But there will be more events like this very soon, so please stay tuned for details!

Teatro del Giglio and Tuscan English Academy, as part of the year-long celebration,  Lucca Loves Shakespeare’, are proud to present a new and special way to celebrate Valentine’s Day:

On Sunday, February 14, at 18:30, in the Foyer of Teatro del Giglio , we will celebrate with extracts of Shakespeare’s most celebrated works selected and performed – in English – by The English Theatre Company, all accompanied by a delicious ‘aperitivo’!

Teatro del Giglio
Performance and ‘Apertitivo’ 15 euro, 13 euro for students
Performance, ‘Apertitivo’ and Dinner  (at Villa Elisabeth) 50 euro per person

The ‘Aperitivo’ will be prepared and offered by Stefano Buralli (Pasticceria Stella).
Reservations are necessary by Wednesday, February 10, by calling: 3485289178

NEW: Valentine’s Day Aperitivo at Teatro del Giglio!