NEW: ‘Crossroads’ is back with a free theater performance May 16, 2017!!!

NEW: ‘Crossroads’ is back with a free theater performance May 16, 2017!!!

Palazzo BLU in collaboration with New York English Academy present CROSSROADS A NEW ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL PLATFORM FOR PISA’S INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH-SPEAKING COMMUNITY Crossroads will offer a variety of encounters with renowned authors and scholars of art and literature, focusing on

NEW: Full-Immersion Weekend with Shakespeare in London – 24-26.06.2016!

NEW: Full-Immersion Weekend with Shakespeare in London – 24-26.06.2016!

‘LUCCA LOVES SHAKESPEARE’ – A year-long celebration for all ages and walks of life! In honor of the 400-year anniversary of Shakespeare’s passing, Teatro del Giglio and New York English Academy are proud to join the international community with a

NEXT ‘CROSSROADS’ at Palazzo BLU Featuring Live Music! 28.04.2016

Palazzo BLU in collaboration with New York English Academy present CROSSROADS A NEW ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL PLATFORM FOR PISA’S INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH-SPEAKING COMMUNITY  INCONTRI IN LINGUA INGLESE SU ARTE, MUSICA E LETTERATURA Crossroads will offer a variety of encounters with renowned

NEW: SMS English Club Returns 22.04. with English & Italian Shakespeare Readings!!!

Ritornano ad SMS Biblio – Pisa gli incontri letterari di SMS English Club! ‘My Favorite Shakespeare’ Incontro letterario per il 400esimo anniversario della morte Una serata bilingue in memoria di Shakespeare: con letture in inglese a cura della English Theatre

Nuovi corsi di inglese basati sui film di Cinema Arsenale – STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS!

New York English Academy, in linea con la nostra filosofia: “Impara l’inglese attraverso le tue passioni”, ha creato un nuovo pacchetto di corsi ed eventi emozionanti basati sulla tua passione per il cinema. Il prossimo English Film Forum inizierà il 3 febbraio

‘English Movie Happy Hour’ Is Back With STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS!

Un nuovo punto d’incontro culturale per la community pisana che parla inglese!  A new cultural meeting point for Pisa’s English-speaking community. Il prossimo “English Movie Happy Hour” avrà luogo il lunedì 15 febbraio alle 20:30 dopo la visione di Star