Corsi Inglese Pisa Lucca Tuscan English Academy SMS Biblio Shakespeare Cut

Ritornano ad SMS Biblio – Pisa gli incontri letterari di SMS English Club!

‘My Favorite Shakespeare’

Incontro letterario per il 400esimo anniversario della morte

Una serata bilingue in memoria di Shakespeare: con letture in inglese a cura della English Theatre Company e letture in italiano da parte del pubblico di Pisa

SMS Biblio – venerdì 22 aprile ore 17.00

Gli utenti interessati a leggere un brano possono inviare una mail di adesione all’incontro all’ indirizzo

SMS English Club is back at SMS Biblio!

‘My Favorite Shakespeare’

A bi-lingual evening of Shakespeare featuring original language readings by the English Theatre Company and Italian readings by the wider Pisan public

SMS Biblio – Friday, April 22, at 17:00



The first series of events took place in April-May 2015 and featured readings and discussions of three classic short stories led by prof. Shemtov of New York English Academy:

‘Eveline’ by James Joyce

‘The Telephone Man’ by Bailey White

‘Sacks’ by Raymond Carver



NEW: SMS English Club Returns 22.04. with English & Italian Shakespeare Readings!!!